Haul road design, construction and maintenance guidelines

All industries wish to find ways to reduce costs and increase productivity in a worksite. Well-designed haul roads are a way to achieve this. Designing and managing roads is not always simple but experts in haul road design, construction and maintenance can help you achieve your company’s goals.

Site evaluation

Trusting specialists in haul road construction is the best way to maximise your resources. They will start by evaluating the site. They will take the meteorological and environmental conditions of the area to choose the best materials for the job. They will assess the information and focus on elements that could affect the design of the haul road, such as slopes or areas prone to flooding.

Selecting the right materials is essential to achieve the best results. Haul road construction professionals will think about functionality, strength, as well as availability. This analysis is the key towards designing cost-effective roads.

Design and construction

At this stage, the engineers will consider the information gathered during the evaluation phase to design haul roads that deliver maximum strength, functionality and drainage. The goal is to increase productivity while reducing maintenance costs. The construction of the road will be completely tailored to the site.


Constant maintenance is crucial on unpaved roads. It might be necessary to train personnel regarding the best way to care for roads and to prevent them from getting damaged. Dust suppression is an important element during maintenance.

Dust control products together with dust monitoring give the best results. You will need to have a comprehensive plan in place to ensure that your costs are not getting out of hand. A dust monitoring unit can help you decide which areas need attention and which products have delivered the best results. These devices are easy to use, and they can let you know if your dust levels meet the legal requirements. Overall, you will see huge improvements and lower maintenance costs.